
Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Shop girl

So I won free tickets to see the premiere of Shop girl with Claire Danes and Steve Martin.It is from Steve Martin's Novella of the same name. I won't tell you too much about it but I walked out of it thinking...
This movie was about love,loneliness and satisfaction with where you are in life.
The lead character,Mirabelle, is a shy 20-something artist from Vermont trying to make it in L.A. She is lonely and wants to make connections. She finds solace in a relationship and quickly finds out that happiness is something that no one can give to you.
I found this so intriguing because I think this is just like life... We are all looking for that someone who will take us and take care of us. We constantly try to find something that will make us truly happy. We put all our hope in one thing/person/idea and are broken when it isn't the way we wanted.
There were parts of the movie I felt were somewhat disconnected(steve martin's narrative),but overall it was a good flick.. I loved Jason Schwartzman(rushmore) in this film --he reminds me of a friend of mine.