
Monday, October 10, 2005

I can no longer keep silent

When I first started writing it was really because of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise I had no where to express my horror and dismay. Then I thought how silly of me to be so upset that I'd have to blog about it.

Well, THEY are making me write this I can no longer keep silent

It seems that the soon to be Mrs. Cruise has fired her publicize of nine years for her soon to be sister in law. Lee Anne De Vette a fellow scientologist is Tom's PR gal too. Maybe we'll be seeing her jumping on Oprah's couches soon too and talking out of her ass about depression.

This all comes on the heels of the announcement of a baby for TomKat (their nickname). You may remember that Katie had vehemently proclaimed that she would remain a virgin until marriage. Well, now she is also going to have a silent birth (I don't know how possible that is I've heard that childbirth is kinda painful and also may add that no man-made sci-fi cult should tell anyone that they can't scream as they push out something that's the size of freaking bowling ball out of something that's smaller than the size of a golf ball) .
She is said to have committed to strict Scientology guidelines surrounding the birth of the baby. Holmes' husband-to-be Tom Cruise is a strict follower of the cult religion of Scientology, founded by Sci-fi writer L. Ron Hubbard.
I just hope and pray that Katie doesn't go through post partum depression because according to Tom it doesn't really exist and psychiatry is a pseudo science.This is coming from a man who worships a religion developed from a sci- fi story about alien beings.


amy said...

Nice use of the word "ass." *wink*

DancingWithMyFatherGod said...

I love the last paragraph...especially the "a man who worships a religion developed from a sci-fi story about alien beings." NOW - if only everyone could see that last paragraph...there might be hope of preventing some others from being lulled into this cult religion.