
Monday, January 24, 2011

bucket list

BUCKET LIST or maybe a list that will keep expanding of things that I want my life to be about

go to the Sundance Film Festival
have $12,000 bucks in my bank account
take my family to Europe
travel to Africa
take pictures on a different continent for work
go to Australia
go to Greece
watch my little girl grow up
be on TV for something good
make a big difference in the universe
live on a different continent for a few months
mentor someone
teach someone what i know
host family dinners once a month with friends
be open to new things
Get Involved in something bigger than me
Trust myself more and trust the things I know
Be a better wife
dream a bigger dream for my life and family
have a gallery show of my art
learn to pray
create a life where i never have to apologize for being me
sing at my old college chapel
take krav maga
go on a real vacation
learn to just be
make a film
smile more
learn a new language
play more badminton
learn to play the guitar
write a song
visit san francisco
go to the louvre
send a message in a bottle
write a letter to "the editor"
grow and eat my own vegetables
see the northern lights
fire a gun
have my picture in the newspaper
ride a mechanical bull
walk on the great wall of china
watch the sunset in key west
get a tattoo
be on a gameshow
have a family portrait painted
help someone in need
take my whole family (extended) on a fully paid for vacation