
Friday, January 21, 2011


it's snowing again and we are shut in. mainly because the blu has been sick and also because it's freaking snowing again and i don't have heat in my car-just butt warmers.

i will admit this. i love how beautiful it is outside. our neighborhood is just a few blocks away from the forgotten and less talked about parts of kansas city. most days you can hear gun shots , people cussing at their kids, loud music and big dogs vying for attention. sometimes it seems folks here have given up hope. they toss garbage out of car windows and walk around aimlessly.

when it snows,it's quiet outside,everything is clean. it's like a new beginning. folks are kind to each other, running to help someone who's car is stuck or has fallen in the snow.
it's all new.
so i guess i don't hate something that brings the humanity out in us.
i would love to figure out how to bring hope back to our neighborhood/community. any suggestions?